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If you’ve never been to church or haven’t found one that answers your spiritual needs, we especially invite you to attend a worship celebration at the River of Life.


+ welcomes you no matter where you’ve come from or where you are in your spiritual journey

+ encourages you to ask questions, get involved and discover God’s plan for your life

+ teaches you biblically-sound messages to help you deal with whatever comes your way

+ equips you to lead others to Christ and be all that God purposes for you to be

+ serves our community through community outreach and missions programs

+ worships Christ through prayer, music and dance

+ provides opportunities for you to get involved

+ empowers people with messages that are real, relevant and relational

You can become part of God’s family here and discover a home where you are loved and accepted. We welcome you! We’re excited you found us and we’re so glad you’re here!


We know it’s easy to get lost in a crowd and far easier to disappear into one. At The River, you can expect to be greeted warmly and loved unconditionally. If you’re looking for a church where you can slip by unnoticed, then we’re not the church for you. You’ll find a warm, loving and caring environment where we develop community through our worship experience.

“Our goal is to see your life transformed as you become who God always intended you to be. Our greatest joy is partnering with you on this journey. Our hope is that you’ll take that first step and join us next Sunday at The River.”


-Pastors Marvin and Deborah Jackson

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